Resorts World Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, hosted globally-famous music icon J Balvins at the Ayu Dayclub for three weekends in September, 2021. As part of the festivities, Hire UAV Pro was asked to launch a 250 drone light show for three consecutive weekends, wowing the crowd and coming into view at a key moment [...]
In August 2021, Hire UAV Pro and Burberry worked together on a unique project to partner with the brand's vision of creating a dazzling light spectacle in a remote, mountainous landscape. They reached out to us to perform a 250 drone light show in remote Westcliffe, Colorado, and the results were spectacular. A lot of [...]
Drone light shows are an incredible technology, however they have recently become susceptible to fraud due to a particular drone light show company, The Drone Light Show Company. We have now personally received 5 calls from businesses who have sought the services of David O’neill, a self-declared “drone guru”, who originally started “That Drone Show” […]
In 2017, Drone Pro Media was fortunate to be a part of a large international project to bring live broadcast to Formula One racing. Graham Hill joined drone operators and technicians from Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Hungary, and Belgium to be one of the first teams to launch a drone at capture on-air images for [...]
Drone manufacturers have made drone pilots’ jobs much easier in recent years. You can now get your batteries, props, camera, and drone all from one manufacturer, which greatly reduces the chance of any mishaps or any failures in the drone. Operating your drone at higher altitudes still presents some unique challenges. As you can imagine, […]