The DJI S900 Drone Review

DJI announced the unveiling of the S900 back in August, and it was no doubt an exciting release by DJI, giving many drone operators a more affordable option to the S1000 with many of the same capabilities. We will be publishing our video overview of the model soon. A re-designed power distribution system and lighter […]

Chris Anderson chats with Business Insider about 3D Robotics, Drones

Chris Anderson, techy entrepreneur, as well as the founder of 3D Robotics, Inc., recently chatted with Business Insider about the future of the drone tech industry. Business Insider: What does someone need to know before buying their first drone? Chris Anderson: There’s a lot of different kinds of drones, including helicopters and airplanes. Airplanes are beautiful and […]

Hollywood Exemption for U.S. Drone Companies

What is lost in the recent Hollywood exemption is the amount of business that these hopeful companies lost while waiting for a ruling. Aerial MOB, for one, had to turn away business after business while they waited to find out if they could continue operating. In some cases, businesses have gone overseas to continue working […]

3DR or DJI? Ask Bernie

Coming soon, we’ll be rolling out our videos from the 3DR X8 review, and after that the DJI s900. A lot of people ask us “which company is better”? Before we ever attempt to answer a question that inevitably calls one company “inferior”, it is important to do a full review. Bernie Hoffman of Autonomous […]