Drone Light Show News

Find out what Hire UAV Pro has been up to as we provide drone light shows across the United States and beyond. With major activations in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Denver, Dallas, and more, it is hard to miss us! But in case you did, learn about upcoming events, new technology, and get insights into past drone light show performances. We are excited to share what we’ve been up to.

Amazon hiring for “Drone Team”

Amazon appears to remain committed to bringing goods to customers via drone, or UAV, and has recently begun to post job listings for various positions inside the company. In an industry as advanced and new as drone delivery it should be expected that these job postings are anything but the normal job listing. They do […]

Panono and a UAV = Awesome

The Panono Ball Camera is the photographer and drone/UAV-ographers dream. It is a ball with multiple cameras and an accelerometer inside that, when thrown in the air, judges the peak of that throw at which point it unleashes a 360 degree snapshot. The applications for the Panono, which started as a kickstarter, are endless. And if you are […]