Precision farming is defined as farm management by way of efficient technologies. The ability of UAVs to cover a large farmland in a short amount of time, while also measuring that field much more precisely and frequently, could make for a huge advancement in farming practices.
This is the exact purpose of the Precision Aerial Ag Show, in Decatur, Illinois July 9-10. Among the events at the conference are:
– Flight demonstrations and UAV digital output presentations
– Authorities speaking about UAV adoption in Ag
– Regulations, liability, and UAV options
– Exhibits and talks from UAV vendors
The event is an AMA-sanctioned event, and it is not too late to sign up for the event. Furthermore, you could also participate in the event if you are a UAV pilot or business. Visit the PAAS website to sign-up or contact the event coordinators for any questions you may have.
This event truly is a unique opportunity to see an outdoor UAV aerial show in the United States.