Drones are the perfect tool for skilled pilots and photographers to use precision in gathering data in agriculture.. This category represents those skilled in using drones to fly, gather, and analyze data for precision agriculture from the sky.

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VidMuze Aerials employs a number of different models to get the shot you’re looking for.  Check out the gear below. DROIDWORX SKYJIB 2 OCTOCOPTER Our “heavy lifter” is one of it’s kind.  With this ship we are able to lift a 16 lbs. payload. …

Aerial Vista Productions’ remote controlled aerial video system is incredibly flexible and can mount a range of video and photographic equipment to create stunning imagery from new angles. This extremely portable Octocopter can be easily…

Chopper Shots Imaging, an aerial photography firm, provides a fresh approach to the traditional way of capturing images. By employing the use of remotely controlled helicopters, we are able to shoot from a much lower altitude than a typical fixed…

Flying Sensors Productions is a full service professional video production company. We produce dynamic, impactful, and creative video like no other videos production company can. While we do work in all industries, we specialize in action sports,…

VISION & SKILL IN FLIGHT Our, in-house, custom designed drones and helicopters are built with one objective in mind, to deliver the most reliable, and consistent results in the industry. Our experience and expertise in the drone industry allows…